wirDesign: “Fully satisfied with PR-CRM PressFile”.

wirDesign: “Fully satisfied with PR-CRM PressFile”.

In Braunschweig and Berlin, wirDesign ‘s team of around 70 employees professionally handles tasks such as brand management, corporate design and corporate communication, as well as reporting for various clients. This also includes workshops on the topic of...

PR software: Goodbye long lists

Puls PR optimizes daily press work with the help of PressFile With her agency Puls PR, Melanie Prüsch is active in topics such as house building, renovation, kitchen and bathroom as well as interior design and looks after clients such as Küppersbusch Hausgeräte GmbH,...
Media library AMID PR in practice

Media library AMID PR in practice

10,000 publications in just under 4 years Since 2013, Press’n’Relations has been using the AMID PR media library integrated with the PR software PressFile to store press releases, also known as clippings in technical jargon. Now, after nearly four years of...