Contacts are the capital of press relations

Contact management in PressFile

Whether B2C or B2B PR: All information about your press contacts, bloggers, influencers or other multipliers is available with the PR software PressFile at the touch of a button in the browser window, no matter where you are. One click of the mouse and you have access to phone numbers, email addresses or any other information you need at the moment. This includes, for example, social media profiles or pages. Every change is immediately available to the entire team, even if colleagues are on the road, working at other locations or in a home office.
Each contact can be individually classified using keywords, for example by subject, industry, media genre or other individually definable criteria. This makes it possible to quickly select contacts according to individual criteria or topics, for example, in order to set up a new press distribution list. Or you simply search for all contacts that have something to do with topics like “automotive”, “perfume” or “computer games”.

You can add individual contacts to the respective press distribution lists using “drag & drop”, and it is just as easy to remove them again with a few mouse clicks.

The contact history allows you to track who communicated what with whom at any time. This not only ensures transparency within the team. You can also obtain information at any time about the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and are therefore on the safe side. This applies in particular to press releases via personalized e-mails. This is because these are archived in the contact history in an audit-proof manner.

The public relations software PressFile also makes cleaning up easy: duplicates, incomplete records or inactive contacts, with the “housekeeping” functions you keep order in the database.

When removing duplicates, be on the safe side: before deleting a press contact, you can transfer the complete history, all keywords and distribution affiliations to a contact. You then delete the “empty” press contact and do not lose any data in this way.