Rent or own contact information?

Rent or own contact information?

Knowing whom to address with which topics is essential for press and media work. After all, successful communication is based on knowing “your” editors or even bloggers and influencers and which topics interest them – but above all, which ones do...
Contact details are the capital of PR

Contact details are the capital of PR

Knowing whom to address with which topics is essential for press and media work. After all, successful communication is based on knowing “your” editors or even bloggers and influencers and knowing exactly which topics interest them – but above all,...
PressFile: A very special relationship

PressFile: A very special relationship

Software can be used, but you can also simply enjoy working with it. This is what power user Désirée Müller reports in her article for Blog’n’Relations about her work with our PR software PressFile. By the way, the blog was included in the top 20 German PR...