Press texts, all associated images and documents including the responsible contact person and their contact details: Users of the PressFile PR software can now publish all of this in a single operation and make it available for personalized mail distribution. The new PressFile Newsroom thus not only facilitates the publication and distribution of press releases and news, it can also be expanded into an individual content hub.
Free of charge for PressFile users
The Daimler Media Site , the Deutsche Bahn media library or the Picture service of the Catholic News Agency KNA are just three prominent examples of the possibilities offered by PressFile Newsroom technology. Because all pages are based on the M@rs system of the Austrian PressFile-Partners mediamid . With AMID News, an easily configurable and thus quickly deployable subset has been created that has been optimized for use as a newsroom. In the form of the PressFile Newsroom, it is available to all PressFile users free of charge.
Analogously, it is also possible to use the identical functionality for your own website, with an individual logo and a separate setup. In this case, usage is billed via a monthly rental fee. If you want more, you can use the full M@rs functionality at any time and have an absolutely individual newsroom built for you on a project basis with the support of mediamid.
The newsroom as a central content hub
The newsroom is filled directly via the PR software PressFile . All elements, from the headline to images and documents to the formatted text, are compiled in a single step and then published. The contact person is also selected here, and their contact details are automatically supplemented with the information stored in PressFile, such as mail address or telephone number. In the newsroom, all elements are clearly displayed in a “news object”. This makes it possible to see at a glance how many images and documents belong to the message. When downloading, all files are packed into a ZIP file, so that the complete package is always available for the editorial staff. This finally puts an end to separate web pages for “News” and “Downloads”.

Transferring content to the press dispatch
At the click of a mouse, the press release can then be transferred to the personalized mail dispatch to the various press distribution lists. Either fully formatted and with all backlinks as text or as a direct link to the story in the PressFile Newsroom. Here, editors can find everything they need in one place, and the huge e-mail attachments with press photos are finally a thing of the past. This is a real alternative for small PR agencies, as it saves them having to set up their own newsroom.
Added value SEO
At the same time, PR agencies generate valuable backlinks for themselves and their clients via the PressFile Newsroom. As a neutral news portal, PressFile also offers an attractive environment. Because in addition to well-known companies, many agencies use this platform for their customers, which also include good names from the business world. Thus, the PressFile Newsroom also serves as an effective SEO tool.
Transparent overview and direct access
“Who communicated what with whom and when?” – PressFile also provides complete and transparent documentation when it comes to news. Similar to contacts or clippings, news can be quickly found and edited via its own “history”. The changes are then synchronized directly with the message in the newsroom. This way, all messages are always at the same current status.