In its publications Janka Haverbeck, business guide of the citizens of Berlin PR-agency sees Haverbeck PR , like the good. While she and her company have been advising mainly socially engaged people, companies and organizations with special messages from the political and cultural spheres since 2015, she is heavily involved in volunteer work, including as a member of the board of trustees of the Koepjohann’schen Foundation one of the oldest foundations in Berlin, and as spokesperson for the Berlin Foundation Week active. The professional use of PressFile and the time it saves helps her a lot in balancing her tasks.
A wide range of topics
“Targeted, strategic, analytical” are the words Janka Haverbeck uses to describe the PR strategy of her agency for PR consulting, project management, press and public relations. She wants to pick up her customers and discuss important things rather once more than once too little. For her, it is essential “to consider all facets, to go one step further if necessary, and in any case to dare to look beyond the end of one’s nose in order to be able to address target groups directly.” This includes anyone with an interest in social issues and points of contact with politics. Legal and social issues as well as art and culture play a major role. For example,, founded in 2013, fits this pattern. The operators provide exhibition and event lofts furnished in urban industrial style in a historic industrial building in Berlin. There visitors can enjoy art, music, culinary and similar events. The strategic legal advice provided by the law firm dtb rechtsanwälte since 2004 also fits perfectly into Haverbeck PR’s client portfolio. Her areas of expertise include art law, foundation and non-profit law, inheritance law and the structuring of property successions. This benefits entrepreneurs, donors, artists, collectors as well as survivors and museums.
Time for better time management
The Berlin-based communications agency has only recently become one of the users of the cloud-based online PR tool PressFile. The first lockdown, which occurred in the wake of the Corona pandemic, provided the time to address the issue. The decisive factor in the search for a new solution was the desire to simplify the existing contact management, which was previously managed in Excel lists and was time-consuming and labor-intensive, and to position itself more professionally in terms of IT. In addition, the software not only offers a self-explanatory user interface, but above all super support: “It’s always very personal, you’re not a number and you don’t end up in some waiting loop,” says Janka Haverbeck. She adds: “Sending press releases using Excel and Outlook is work. There’s a lot involved. It’s very reassuring to know that with PressFile you’re on the right side in that regard and everything is just faster.”
The Berlin entrepreneur had come across PressFile in various PR and trade magazines. From these, they came up with a list of three PR softwares they could consider, from which PressFile ultimately emerged as the winner. In addition to the criteria already mentioned, data protection was also very close to Janka Haverbeck’s heart. The online PR tool, whose servers are located in Germany, also meets the high requirements here. The PressFile Newsroom also makes work much easier. Images, documents and all other elements up to the formatted text are assembled there. After publication, these will be available for download. The personalized mail dispatch to the different distribution lists with the link to the report is then carried out by mouse click.
Professionalism through personalization
Although there were no initial problems, “of course you have to find your way around a bit,” says Janka Haverbeck. “That’s relatively quick, though, and once that’s done, using PressFile is game-changing. If questions still arise, support is always on hand.” In addition, it is a great help that users can send press releases to themselves first, so that they can identify possible errors in advance.
The personal and target group-oriented approach possible in PressFile was also particularly important to her. Since she has had a professional relationship with some of her contacts for several years, personalizing the approach creates further professionalism. But this is preceded by the individual and correct organization and constant maintenance of the software for each user. Janka Haverbeck was a big fan of the application from an early stage, as using it made her work much easier. “Especially time resources have to be taken care of. PressFile thus makes my everyday work more pleasant,” says the managing director of Haverbeck PR.
Image: Janka Haverbeck, Managing Director of Haverbeck PR
Image source: Katja Bilo